Superhumans Center

Prosthetics Medical Center (via Superhumans). 10,000+ Ukrainians need complex operations or prosthetics now. The state cannot address all of the needs adequately. Superhumans Center is building a state-of-the-art medical centre for war heroes and civilians in Lviv, Ukraine.

More than 10,000 Ukrainians require complex operations or prosthetics, unfortunately the state lacks the resources to meet their needs adequately. Superhumans Center in Lviv, Ukraine, is being built to provide free psychological support, prosthetics, reconstructive surgery, and rehabilitation services. With the First Lady Olena Zelenska on the board of members, the centre has already opened its prosthetic lab, rehabilitation department, and started providing psychological support. While supported by the Howard G. Buffett Foundation and other donors, Superhumans still requires additional funding to meet the demands and improve Ukraine's healthcare system.

Superhumans Fundraising Priorities ⤵️